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Two major issues constrain the development of the daily chemical machinery industry

Two major issues constrain the development of the daily chemical machinery industry

1. Current situation of daily chemical machinery industry

Daily chemical products refer to daily chemicals commonly used by people, including soap, toothpaste, shampoo, shower gel, skincare products, hair care products, cosmetics, laundry detergent, etc. The equipment used to produce these daily chemical products is called daily chemical machinery.

The history of human use of daily chemical products has a long history. Humans have long had a pursuit of beauty, and appearance is innate. In order to make appearance more beautiful and attractive, imperfect areas need to be decorated. Therefore, an important component of daily chemical products - cosmetics - was invented. In addition, for the purpose of preventing diseases and eliminating body odor, another important component of daily chemical products - cleaning products have also emerged. Human exploration of daily chemical products has never been interrupted for thousands of years. The earliest people to make and use cosmetics were Egyptians and Arabs, and their cosmetics have a history of over 4000 years. At that time, the production methods of daily chemical products were all handmade.

Related report: Beijing Puhua Youce Information Consulting Co., Ltd. "Analysis of the Competition Pattern Trend and Market Prospect Forecast of China's Daily Chemical Machinery Industry from 2018 to 2025"

The industrial production of daily chemical products emerged in the 19th century in the United States. Currently, Procter&Gamble, one of the world's largest daily chemical companies, was established in 1837 and is a representative enterprise in the American daily chemical industry. Therefore, the technology related to daily chemical machinery used to produce daily chemical products originated in the United States, from the earliest home workshops to highly automated assembly line factories. With continuous updates, the technology was transferred to Europe, first Germany, and then to countries such as Italy. From then on, Europe has also become a technology base and equipment manufacturing base for advanced daily chemical machinery. After the establishment of the People's Republic of China, China began to attempt to introduce and absorb foreign technology in the field of daily chemical machinery manufacturing. After decades of development and accumulation, the technical level of China's daily chemical machinery industry has basically caught up with foreign counterparts.

In the daily chemical industry, the equipment of a complete automated production line is usually divided into soap making machinery, forming machinery, primary packaging machinery, and tail automation packaging machinery according to the different functions of the production products.

Soap making machinery refers to the production of primary products from raw materials, such as saponification and vacuum drying equipment in the soap industry. It uses chemical reactions and physical processes to make soap particles from olive oil, palm oil, etc. This type of equipment evolved from manual soap cooking technology in the early 19th century to large-scale saponification in the early 20th century, as well as continuous saponification and high-pressure hydrolysis in the late 20th century. Moreover, this technology is closely related to chemical science, and behind advanced technology is the upgrading of chemical reactions, with more complex processes and control technologies. At present, domestic equipment manufacturers can independently complete large pot saponification equipment, but continuous saponification and high-pressure hydrolysis equipment still need to be completed in cooperation with research institutes and special equipment manufacturers.

Forming machinery is the process of shaping a product, including various physical indicators such as texture, shape, and weight that the product itself possesses. Such as mixers, grinders, slicers, and printers in soap production lines

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